简介: In a new BBC Two series, some of the fittest men and woman around will face the toughest challenge of their lives when they take part in the recruitment week from hell. Who will be left standing on the ultimate military assault course? Presented by Andrew ‘Freddie’ Flintoff, this six-part series will see successful applicants take on gruelling tests used by some of the world’s harshest army regimes, from the Navy SEALs to the SAS, in a search to find the UK’s toughest recruit. Participants will come under intense pressure. Their physical and mental endurance will be pushed to the limit. Viewers will witness what the mind and body are capable of and how these techniques separate the weak from the strong, and they will learn what it takes to be the ultimate soldier. The ‘Hell Week ‘ has been especially constructed to reflect known selection process used by special forces across the globe including the US Navy SEALs, the Philippine’s NAVSOG (Naval Special Operations Group), the Russian Spetsnaz (Special Purpose Forces) as well as the UK’s SAS. These are physical and mental challenges designed to break the most hardened soldiers.
简介: In a new BBC Two series, some of the fittest men and woman around will face the toughest challenge of their lives when they take part in the recruitment week from hell. Who will be left standing on the ultimate military assault course? Presented by Andrew ‘Freddie’ Flintoff, this six-part series will see successful applicants take on gruelling tests used by some of the world’s harshest army regimes, from the Navy SEALs to the SAS, in a search to find the UK’s toughest recruit. Participants will come under intense pressure. Their physical and mental endurance will be pushed to the limit. Viewers will witness what the mind and body are capable of and how these techniques separate the weak from the strong, and they will learn what it takes to be the ultimate soldier. The ‘Hell Week ‘ has been especially constructed to reflect known selection process used by special forces across the globe including the US Navy SEALs, the Philippine’s NAVSOG (Naval Special Operations Group), the Russian Spetsnaz (Special Purpose Forces) as well as the UK’s SAS. These are physical and mental challenges designed to break the most hardened soldiers.
主演:Freddie Flintoff Chris Harris Paddy
简介:弗雷迪、克里斯和帕迪携《巅峰拍档》第33季回归,他们马不停蹄,在全球各地以不同形式热烈赞颂有关汽车的一切。一段穿越泰国的皮卡朝圣之旅中,他们探索了这个比世界上任何其他地方都更喜欢卡车的神奇国家;阿尔卑斯山的一场超级跑车对决,出动了全新的法拉利296 GTB、新款保时捷Cayman GT4 RS,以及价值数百万英镑、令人惊叹的四轮艺术品,帕加尼Huayra BC。三位主持人来到了泰国遥远的另一端,巴黎,试驾最新款的平价电动迷你车。而在离英国不远的地方,他们贯彻不走寻常路的方式,寻找预算范围内变身快递小哥的最佳方式。在另一地,节目组聚焦于一群颇具潜质的年轻赛车手,他们缺乏在高风险的赛车世界中竞争的方法。