主演:Danielle Chuchran Trevor Donovan Ti
简介:Young Emma Miller (Danielle Chuchran) would appear to be lucky. This beautiful Amish girl has a loving family and the community's most eligible young man, Jacob (Kellen Boyle), wants to marry her. But she has more on her mind than buggies, bonnets and making her special goat cheese - Emma is secretly obsessed with Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice and restlessly longs for adventure and travel. When given the opportunity to spend the season helping her widowed cousin Lydia (Meg Wittman) in scenic Charm, OH, Emma jumps at the chance. There she meets an Englischer, librarian Kelly Bennett (Tiffany Dupont), who has come to town to escape her chaotic life. Despite their differences, the two become fast friends. Settling into her cousin's farm, she finds Noah (Trevor Donovan) - a striking, well-read Amish young man who helps work the farm - intriguing, yet vexing. So when Emma's cheese attracts the attention of a local bed-and-breakfast and a handsome wine-and-cheese blog editor, Andy
主演:Ryland Brickson Cole Tews Olivia Gr
简介: 作品横跨剪接、编剧与视效设计的美国导演迈克切斯利克首部剧情长片《狸太怨》,以极低预算的手作精神,展开复古风格的黑白布偶装真人卡通动画。故事讲述19世纪冰天雪地的北方,原本靠卖酒赚钱的男子,意外遇到酒厂失火,货源付之一炬,他只好投身猎人行业,剥取兽皮维生,没想到却将面对满山遍野、数以千计的智慧河狸组织。视频不靠一句台词,就将巧妙调度的动作场面,推进到直逼基顿或卓别麟的逗趣刺激,港式功夫的喜剧动作设计、经典电玩桥段的逼真重现,创意十足、令人脑洞大开,不仅赢得加拿大奇幻影展观众票选最佳国际视频铜奖,连怪杰名导盖马汀都拍手称奇。